Make all the excuses in the world for why, at times, you are so hurtful towards your lovely lady but realize not a single one of those excuses are a good enough reason to treat someone so poorly, who you claim that you love so much.

I find it a complete and utter joke that some of us men (many) can look our woman right in the face and state that we love them, when we sometimes go full-force, non-stop at trying to rip her to shreds emotionally with our spoken words! Yet, we are even bold enough to make such a proclamation after we just poisoned her inner being with toxic language and brutal descriptions of what we think of her.

If you protect her against someone saying those kinds of things to her, shouldn’t you also protect her against you saying these kinds of degrading and insulting speech patterns that litter her mind. For a moment consider the fact that you spew poison into her heart and soul from the spoken words and sometimes the actions that you conduct towards her. THINK!

How do you think that this causes her to feel?  Well, let me explain this a bit… because, of her love and admiration for you, the words that you speak carry POWER and can ruin her for days in terms of what she thinks about herself.

When you become angry and filled with rage this terrifies her and she is lost in terms of what to do and how to respond to you. She is clueless on what she should say to you because no matter what she says it is not good enough to satisfy your blazing-red-hot streak of devastating screaming, yelling and cursing at her as you belittle and stampede her into oblivion.

NOTE: The reason why I can speak on this matter so easily is because over 30 years ago, I was one of the greatest “Verbal Beatdown Specialists” on planet earth ever known to humankind. I would go into total Neanderthal mode. I was a true uncaged animal, and I would say the very worse of what could be said! Since, I am telling you this, let me go right ahead and make this confession to you also. Many years ago, whenever I became angry with my girlfriend, I would launch into the most powerful verbal tirade that a woman could ever be exposed to. When I finally finished with one of my patented “verbal vomit on her sessions,” she was nearly radioactive! No doubt about it in my mind that her heart, mind and soul were highly contaminated by the time I was done.

15 Horrible Excuses for Getting Angry and Putting Down My Girlfriend or Wife

My excuses that I had for doing this to her were:
 She made me mad and really pissed me off
 She shouldn’t have said anything to me
 She knows that I’m tired after work
 Well, I just lost money on the game
 Oh, I was had been drinking, I didn’t mean it
 I just woke up and she pissed me off with that question
 I had a car accident going to coming home from work
 She ignored me while she was painting her nails
 She called me when I was in a bad mood
 She didn’t answer when I called her
 I didn’t feel too good because I was tired
 Well, I am not a morning person
 I was watching the game
 Well, I was really hungry

I love saying this… but none of these are reasons or excuses that warrant you tearing your precious lady down emotionally at ANY time in life. If you carry on this way with her…TRULY, the problem lies within you. As a real man, you are in touch and check yourself to ensure that you are being the very best of a great man in all circumstances of life. Especially the tough situations!

In my view, all of these are childish, stupidly immature ways of behaving towards ANYONE!

Fortunately, I learned that ALL of these kinds of behaviors and actions DID NOT have to be a part of who I was as a man. Essentially, just as I learned how to do these things, I could UN-learn how to do them. How, you may ask? Well for those of you who are interested in changing and no longer want to be an Emotional Destructive Force and Source towards your beautiful and precious lady, the answer in changing how you have been, is to repetitively expose yourself to constant streams of New Information on a consistent and persistent basis.

AND…. Don’t give me any of that crap that “you are just the way that you are” or that “you cannot change who you are” or that “she just makes you mad.” That is all a bunch of garbage and here down below is the reason why.

You have the power to CHOOSE to be any way that you want! No one MAKES you do anything in terms of how you will think and behave in any situation. It is a PERSONAL DECISION that you make each and every time.

I CHOOSE to treat my wife great and shower her with love and affection. I CHOOSE to treat my wife with respect and admiration. I CHOOSE to take a negative thing and make it light and easy! I CHOOSE to lift her up and praise where with my words! I hope that I am making myself crystal clear!

If you do not believe that YOU are the one responsible for your bad, negative and corrupted thinking patterns and speech patterns, then you need help beyond the scope of this article.

If you feel that it is not your fault that you are a beast at times towards her, then start with looking in the mirror and asking yourself the question, “Who control me and my thinking?” “Who controls my actions?” “Who is moving the tongue in my mouth?” I do not have to tell you that the answer is ALWAYS YOU! But, just to be clear…the answer is that YOU are the one TOTALLY responsible for how you think, what you speak and what you do!

Now is the time to learn more on how to get out of this negative and broken cycle of madness, I am suggesting that you click on this link and start taking in some new information that can help you to tear down the foundation of the old you and start to lay down a new foundation for creating a NEW YOU!