3 Psychological Traumas that You as a Man Create in Your Precious Lady

If you are one of those guys who has a bad attitude and at times, verbally tear into your woman about ANYTHING, then you are fairly similar to the way that I used to be. In short, I was a jerk! A complete and total mean-spirited bastard! Thank goodness, I started learning that I could change and stop being a slave to my old, broken corrupted thinking patterns which in turn led to ugly and horrible verbal speech patterns delivered into the heart, mind and soul of my girlfriend, who I claimed that I cared so much about!

Early life began in the hood, in a fairly tough environment in Buffalo, New York. In this environment from a very early age you had to learn how to fend off all perceived attacks that came at you, whether they were physical or psychological. In my mind, I was always on high alert whether it was warranted or not. Most of the time, what I perceived as verbal or psychological attacks, were nothing more than me just having a pissy, bada** attitude about life or me thinking that I had to play the role of being a “bad dude.”

Once I reach the time-frame to when I started dating, I brought into the relationship the same ugly and callous-hearted kind of mentality into the relationship, especially when things went wrong in life or if I just “felt like” being ugly.

Over the years, I learned that I created in my girlfriends during those years emotional or psychological traumas. I call my actions and behaviors “psychological traumas” because I wounded them; not on their flesh, but in their emotions and the psychology of who they were. I did this because I was blind mentally and extremely pig-headed and just would say words, statements and phrases to them that would hurt them DEEP! Yes, I would purposely say these stupid things! GUILTY!

Here are the 3 Psychological Traumas that I Caused. Are You Guilty of Any of These?

1.> I caused them to have less value in themselves because I would curse at them and tell them how dumb or stupid that their ideas or opinions were. I would chastise them and verbally blow them off the face of the planet because I did not like what they said. So, over time it seemed to me that they less of themselves. Logically, this would make sense because they looked up to me and loved me, my words and actions carried a lot of power. Man, even typing this out, even that was more than 30 years ago, I still feel bad because I understand that my words and statements that I delivered in those worst of times damaged them.

2.> I caused them to lose some of their self-confidence. I helped to take away some of that fiber of their strength and courage that they had when we first met. However, with a continual bombardment of verbal assaults and spiteful energy, I stole some of that fire and confidence from her. Some of you reading this know exactly what I am talking about. Using your influence in such a way is destructive to the fabric of what makes up a person. Many parents every day wreck their children emotionally in this way. You as a man can CHOOSE to create or destroy the heart and mind of the precious lady in your life. Back many years ago, I chose to destroy! So, I ask you… what are you CHOOSING to do every day with your lovely and most beautiful lady? Are you building her up or are you tearing her down?

3.> I caused them to be afraid and be insecure. Since I was so mentally “out of control”, I was unpredictable in the relationship and would often use intimidation and bullying as my methods of communication. Hopefully, you can easily see that those methods are poor and horrible ways to communicate with your woman at any time. So, why did I use those negative methods? The Truth is because, I was the one who was WEAK and a SLAVE to my little boy emotional tirades.

Hey, I am just telling you about myself and hopefully you are not as bad as I was. I am hopeful that it will not take you as long to move away from such emotionally destructive forces when communicating with your lovely lady as it took me. I will stress to you,

I was the way that I was not because of anyone else, except ME! Each time that I went crazy on my girlfriend, it was because that is the path that I CHOSE. Ouch, right? I mean, that is the truth.

I was the one who did not exert self-control and I was the one who would CHOOSE to utilize caveman or barbarian-like methods of thinking, speaking and acting out. Fortunately, I read something that helped me begin to grow and CHANGE for the better. Yes, I wanted to be a better man and a much better boyfriend.

If you are willing to walk away from broken and corrupt thinking and speaking patterns, then for you, there is a way out. If you want to become a better dude and treat your lady right at all times under all the different circumstances of life, whether they be good or not so good, then I recommend starting here.

Find out how it is possible by taking that next step by clicking this link that I have provided for you. Learn how to become a better husband or a better boyfriend.