Upon first hearing the kind of information that I am sharing with you, some of you may experience a sudden urge to reject it. This is because the message and references are putting you in an uncomfortable place emotionally.  This is a good thing!  Do not shut down the flow of this information if you feel resistance to the message. Your resistance is a very natural reaction.

I remember, when I first heard that I was inflicting pain and misery on my girlfriend due to my rotten attitude; I laughed!  I thought that it was totally ridiculous and absurd.  I did not understand that my words had power. I did not know that I was looked at a highly regarded role model by her.  And, besides that I figured that is the way most couples did it. I had seen things in my life up to that point that made me think that I was actually a good guy because I knew guys that were worse than me.

Let me explain what science is telling us about that rejection reaction.

The immediate rejection of the information is because of years of developing a particular mindset about how things are.  Over your lifetime, you have developed Dominant Mental Operating Programs within you from life’s experiences since the time you were born.

These Dominant Mental Operating Programs run the show!   They ARE the boss, NOT YOU! Under most scenarios in life those programs OWN YOU!  They make you their SLAVE! This means that they own your thoughts and your actions which produce your behaviors and habits.  In essence, they tell you what to do and 90% of the time you obey. Dominant Mental Operating Programs own your feelings, emotions and opinions.

Note: It is critical to understand that Dominant Mental Operating Programs can be good and bad. This is as simple as it gets; good programs produce positive results and bad programs yield negative results.

So, let’s continue. When someone comes along and says, “hey bro, you are treating her like crap,” there is a rush of norepinephrine (adrenaline) into your bloodstream and it influences the area of your brain termed the “Limbic System.” The Limbic section of your brain is considered to be the “Primal or Caveman” region of your brain.

The Limbic System is the emotional center of the brain and the source of powerful unconscious motivations. It’s the reactive part of the brain that processes information instantaneously, leading to sudden reactions and quick value judgments.

Brain Research Scientists believe it is your most primitive brain. This section of the brain is thought to invoke a strong reaction to protect. According to the what research scientists have determined, Tens of thousands of years ago, it would serve to protect humans from threats such as lions, tigers or bears; producing the fight or flight response to danger.

In other words, the Limbic system would activate and cause you to protect yourself and family without thinking about it, just pure reaction. Even to the point to where if you did not have a weapon, you would fight off the threat with your bare hands and not think twice about doing so.

We have learned that even in modern man, when a person “feels” as though their thoughts, opinions and actions are being threatened the Limbic system engages (WHAM!) just like it is lions, tigers and bears that you have to fight off!

YES, you read that correctly!  The Limbic System react causes you to act in this aggressive manner because you “feel like” your values and opinions are under attack.

This kind of reaction can cause stubbornness, irrationality, instant anger, rage and produce a state of mind that can even block out ideas, suggestions and information that are clearly helpful to you.  You cannot process it because the Limbic System has closed out those pathways for rational thought.

Think about road rage for a minute.  It is pure Limbic System activation and reaction. People today are now known to follow, stalk, injure and kill other people within minutes of a road rage incidence. TOTALLY STUPID!  The Limbic System is FULLY Activated.

Think about the fear of politics for a minute. When people are on opposite sides of the isles during heated exchanges fear reduces them to stupid behavior and they cannot hear one another because they are violently worked-up to the point of near insanity. The Limbic System is Activated.

Think about when someone is cheated on.  Pure Limbic System Activation when the person who has been cheated on finds out. The discovery that your partner has been cheating on you can cause the one who is offended to “Go Postal.” Many who have been cheated on, have been known to go absolutely nuts and in to a total meltdown. As you know, many people have been injured and killed under these highly volatile conditions.

Now understand this.  The Limbic System is known to cause people to react without concern to what will happen to them if they hurt or kill the other person. It blocks rational thought production. Even if there is a reasonable solution to the problem at hand that is logical and practical.  The person who is engaged in this state of mind CANNOT process the solution, they just want to react. They do not care!

So, just understand that your initial rejection of this information is simply that primitive primal section of your brain, most likely, out to protect you from what is perceived as a threat by you.

True, you consciously know that the information being presented here is not a lion, tiger or bear trying to kill you but, many of these reactions are percolating up from the subconscious mind going to work and taking cues from what your conscious mind is dealing with at that moment.

So how do you stop this kind of response from happening in you whenever it pertains to new information related to personal growth and self-improvement?  RELAX!!!!

Here are 3 things you can do mentally to reduce the rejection of the information.   First, start by realizing that you could be possibly experiencing an impulse-trigger reaction to reject the information. Secondly, slow down all initial impulse reactions in thought by just accepting that fact that nobody is out to get you, hurt you or beat you up! Take a chill pill, bro!  Thirdly, keep reading and learning related new information to personal growth/development and how you can be a better dude and treat your lady right.

The Wrap-Up. I truly care about you and your relationship with your woman. I care about people tremendously. I am not out to hurt you or your feelings. However, I am here to shake you up and rattle you to your core, so that you STOP hurting your Precious Love.

Be the man who lifts your Precious Lady up every day. Praise her and build her up in every way. Be the kind of man that Leads the Relationship with Love Flowing Abundantly REGARDLESS of the circumstances.

Be a Leader and Lead the Relationship to Greatness.

You CAN Do It!