Well, coming from a background of athletics and using a disciplined approach to acquire every new skill that I learned, I can tell you that self-improvement and becoming a better man is almost exactly the mindset as training in athletics.  Both are based on desire, and repetition of actions that grow you in incremental steps.

So, becoming a better dude is something that you must work at, and you must constantly be nourishing your mind with new and helpful information that work you towards improving your self-image, having healthy relationships and mastery of positive communications.  Notice that I said that you MUST nourish your mind with high-quality positive information. The principle is that you must train your mind in the direction that you want it to go.

Once you start down the path of this new journey, your brain wants to assist you in your efforts by activating brain neurons, which a specialized communication and learning cells of the brain.

Here is How Your Brain Helps You to Self-Improve. Brain neurons being specialized communication cells within your brain, they constantly relay information to one another.  As you are doing something, whether it is a  new activity or a repeated activity, you increase the communication within the neurons and among other neurons.  Brain neurons increase their firing and activation processes as you perform activities.  Your neurons want to “learn” and they become highly-efficient and effective at whatever it is that you are doing. Keep in mind that this happens every time that you go to do something that you have not done before or even if you are repeating something that you have done in the past.  As you repeat the action, your brain neurons go on a local recruitment drive to bring on other neurons, to have them involved in the process of assisting you to get better with your activity.  Your neurons send out biochemical messages that if they could speak, would say something like, “Hey, look at what we are doing. Come on and join our team!

The more that you do your activity, whether it is through random repetition or planned practice, the neurons intensify in their recruitment efforts to bring on other Neurons.  At some point during your repeated efforts, your brain does an epic and masterful maneuver to where the neurons actually begin the process of wiring together. Your brain neurons form a powerful collective of neurons all shouting out in a mighty chorus of biochemical reactions that help you to become better and stronger with the activity that you are repeating or practicing.  The end result of this process is what is called a Neural-Network.

A Neural-Network is a collective of neurons (brain cells) that work together in harmony to assist with your activity with greater power and precision. You now have the backing of a powerful network that can make things happen quickly, more efficiently and more effectively.  Your neurons do not care if your activity is bad, unhealthy or negative. This becomes the basis of a habit. They just want success in the task!

Why Do We Treat Our Precious Lady So Poorly?

Now, lock the above explained concept into your head. It DOES NOT matter that what you are doing is good or bad; the process gets wired in the same as far as your brain is concerned.  As you know, we form good habits and bad habits.  All of us are familiar with the fact that habits, especially the bad ones, can be tough to break. One other thing about habits is that often times, with enough repeated actions the habit can become an AUTOMATIC response and become purely a subconscious action. Think back to when you first learned how to ride a bicycle. At first, not so good!  But with continued effort (activity) you became better. It all happened because of the described process above.

Now ask yourself the question, as I did to myself. Why do you treat the Love of Your Life like crap?  Why do you yell at her, scream at her, bully her curse at her, call her horrific names?  For most, the reason is that it is an automatic response that you “LEARNED.”   You learned that it was okay to do to treat her this way. If you are similar to me in the way that I treated my girlfriends, you may even think that it was perfectly justified to treat her so poorly.

What is even worse yet about these mean and ugly behaviors is that whenever you do them, you do it PURPOSELY, with the ability to stop and change course at any time that you CHOOSE!

But, why not stop before the action is actually carried out? Because you are a SLAVE to your thoughts and emotions!  This makes your thoughts, feelings, and emotions your MASTER!  And you bow down to them and serve them well, every time you react with evil and ugliness to your tender-hearted lady.

Read This Slowly and Carefully: The Neural-Network that you created within your brain, directs you to be vile and hateful to your Precious Lady. You created within your brain a script or program that gives you direction to be as you are. This is a “Dominant Mental Operating Program” that is working on a “seek and destroy” mission of your Lovely Lady.  Pretty ugly stuff, huh?

Well, I was sick to my stomach once I realize that I was purposely acting as a human weapon of unprecedented, life-long damaging emotional destruction.  I call it The Great Awakening or Dawn of Being Consciously Aware.  This means that I knew in my heart, mind, and spirit that all of these kinds of deliberate, purposely, willful intended evil actions and vile, hateful words spoken towards to my lady were WRONG!  100%  NO EXCUSES!

When the light bulb came on, I started to change and wanted to quickly. My desire to change became so white hot that I went on a massive, purge, cleanse and rewiring process of my brain. YES! It is possible to STOP and change course.

It is possible to end the verbal abuse and put an end to destroying your lady. It is possible to begin to pick-up the pieces and allow healing to take place.

The Power is Within You! 

You have the ability already inside of you!

If you are willing to FIGHT for Your Future with your beautiful and loving lady, then the information on this blog can help you to turn it around. You can create a powerful, new Neural-Network that go to work changing your life and re-writing your destiny.

You can lead yourself and the relationship to untold levels of greatness. YOU and you alone hold the keys. They are in your own mind. On this very day make the decision to take hold of them an unlock your greatest human potential.

Heal and repair the broken heart of your cherished beautiful lady. Start today by clicking here.  Just start by thinking about what you can do today and tomorrow to lift her heart and show what is beautiful and good that comes from the most inner you. Each day think this way and live this way.