Snapshot of “HER” Reality: You have left her side for the day or she is at home by herself alone?  Well, I am so glad that you asked.  She is wondering why you, her man, who she loves so much treats her with such extreme levels of disrespect and disregard.  She is wondering if is temporary and if you will come home a changed man because you have become self-aware that you are emotionally destroying her.  She lives in hope that when you come home that you will not start all over again with the horrendous verbal assaults that cuts deep into the fabric of her soul.

(Side note: need immediate help to self-improve go here)

Or worse yet, she could be to that point where she is depressed, nervous or scared that you will be coming home soon.  She is edgy and hoping that she has things perfect for you and that she can read your mind and instantly know what you want before you speak.

Or the absolute worst, she is hoping that you don’t come home at all! Perhaps she is thinking on where she can escape to because she trembles in fear at the sound of you coming home. Maybe she is thinking about making plans to leave you for good because you have broken her beyond repair.

All of these scenarios are very bad, and you would be wise to consider them as a warning that you are quite possibly at the brink of losing your Lovely Lady for the rest of your life.

What do you think she does when you are not around?

Think my friend… What could she possibly be thinking?

Take a good hard look at these. These women are in agony, turmoil, mental torment and PAIN. I promise you that if you have ever treated your woman in a mean and harsh way the pictures that you are seeing are the end result.  Her thoughts are those that are self-defeating and destroys her self-worth.

Whenever you speak to her mean or behave in an ugly way towards her, you are ripping her heart apart.  Bro, she loves you and looks up to you, so your words and actions carry intense power! On any day that you treat her poorly you are crushing her.

Since you SAY that you love her, my plea to you is to “wake-up” and realize that you CAN turn this ugly and negative situation around.  It is within YOUR ability!  You CAN do it!

How to Be a Better Husband / Boyfriend Book of Self-Improvement

None of us should ever be in the position to where we are the ones to cause this kind of pain to our most Precious Lady. We are supposed to protect her from such this kind of harm. We are supposed to lead the relationship in such a way that we generate smiles, warmth and happiness daily. If we cause tears to fall from her eyes, let them be tears of ecstasy, joy and happiness.  Not the kind of garbage that you are seeing on this page.  Seriously, these picture suck and to know that I was the cause of such emotions at one time in my life make me sick.  The truth is I hope that they make you sick too!

Is this the way that you want her to be? If you said no, then there is hope for you to be able to make the can necessary to end all of the negative energy that is projected from you directly into her precious heart and feelings.

Let me paint the picture for you clearly. The repeated verbal attacks and highly inflammatory language used on her has started crumbling the foundation of her love for you. She is absolutely miserable and yet you are blind to it. Her self-worth is being shredded by you. She has no idea on what to do or how to do things that please you because your mood and temperament is all over the place. She may at this time beginning to grow weary and feeling worn out.  Your woman has been driven into this state of mind because of HOW you have been treating her.  This can be a very dangerous state of mind because it can lead to depression and thoughts of inflicting harm on herself.

Her is the deal!  STOP!  Stop with your assaults and end the routine of arguing and the verbal beat-downs. Since she is still there she is still holding on to hope and believes that you still are the man for her. So, man-up and begin the process of healing the damage and restoring a broken relationship.

I am calling you out to go forward and lead the relationship to the highest level of love, honor and respect. This blog will provide plenty of resources for you to begin the process.

You can begin your new man journey by simply meditating on the words that you have just read in this section of our blog. Take 5 minutes to look at those pictures and imagine the face of your Lovely Lady and consider your ways.  This is a great way to develop empathy for her pain and an excellent way for you to become more self-aware of your words spoken to her and your actions towards her.

You CAN turn all of this around. Do it before it is too late!

Snapshot of “HER” Reality: You have left her side for the day or she is at home by herself alone?  Well, I am so glad that you asked.  She is wondering why you, her man, who she loves so much treats her with such extreme levels of disrespect and disregard.  She is wondering if is temporary and if you will come home a changed man because you have become self-aware that you are emotionally destroying her.  She lives in hope that when you come home that you will not start all over again with the horrendous verbal assaults that cuts deep into the fabric of her soul.

(Side note: need immediate help to self-improve go here)

Or worse yet, she could be to that point where she is depressed, nervous or scared that you will be coming home soon.  She is edgy and hoping that she has things perfect for you and that she can read your mind and instantly know what you want before you speak.

Or the absolute worst, she is hoping that you don’t come home at all! Perhaps she is thinking on where she can escape to because she trembles in fear at the sound of you coming home. Maybe she is thinking about making plans to leave you for good because you have broken her beyond repair.

All of these scenarios are very bad, and you would be wise to consider them as a warning that you are quite possibly at the brink of losing your Lovely Lady for the rest of your life.

What do you think she does when you are not around?

Think my friend… What could she possibly be thinking?

Take a good hard look at these. These women are in agony, turmoil, mental torment and PAIN. I promise you that if you have ever treated your woman in a mean and harsh way the pictures that you are seeing are the end result.  Her thoughts are those that are self-defeating and destroys her self-worth.

Whenever you speak to her mean or behave in an ugly way towards her, you are ripping her heart apart.  Bro, she loves you and looks up to you, so your words and actions carry intense power! On any day that you treat her poorly you are crushing her.

Since you SAY that you love her, my plea to you is to “wake-up” and realize that you CAN turn this ugly and negative situation around.  It is within YOUR ability!  You CAN do it!

How to Be a Better Husband / Boyfriend Book of Self-Improvement

None of us should ever be in the position to where we are the ones to cause this kind of pain to our most Precious Lady. We are supposed to protect her from such this kind of harm. We are supposed to lead the relationship in such a way that we generate smiles, warmth and happiness daily. If we cause tears to fall from her eyes, let them be tears of ecstasy, joy and happiness.  Not the kind of garbage that you are seeing on this page.  Seriously, these picture suck and to know that I was the cause of such emotions at one time in my life make me sick.  The truth is I hope that they make you sick too!

Is this the way that you want her to be? If you said no, then there is hope for you to be able to make the can necessary to end all of the negative energy that is projected from you directly into her precious heart and feelings.

Let me paint the picture for you clearly. The repeated verbal attacks and highly inflammatory language used on her has started crumbling the foundation of her love for you. She is absolutely miserable and yet you are blind to it. Her self-worth is being shredded by you. She has no idea on what to do or how to do things that please you because your mood and temperament is all over the place. She may at this time beginning to grow weary and feeling worn out.  Your woman has been driven into this state of mind because of HOW you have been treating her.  This can be a very dangerous state of mind because it can lead to depression and thoughts of inflicting harm on herself.

Her is the deal!  STOP!  Stop with your assaults and end the routine of arguing and the verbal beat-downs. Since she is still there she is still holding on to hope and believes that you still are the man for her. So, man-up and begin the process of healing the damage and restoring a broken relationship.

I am calling you out to go forward and lead the relationship to the highest level of love, honor and respect. This blog will provide plenty of resources for you to begin the process.

You can begin your new man journey by simply meditating on the words that you have just read in this section of our blog. Take 5 minutes to look at those pictures and imagine the face of your Lovely Lady and consider your ways.  This is a great way to develop empathy for her pain and an excellent way for you to become more self-aware of your words spoken to her and your actions towards her.

You CAN turn all of this around. Do it before it is too late!