Learning how to become a better boyfriend can be achieved with the combination of strong desire and exposure of your mind to the right kind of information on a consistent and persistent basis. It is not a matter of chance or by some miracle of the universe that happens to you.  You must make it happen by consistently deliberate and enthusiastic effort.

Many of you who are reading this article are similar to me in the fact that you are are looking to preserve and even elevate the quality of the relationship that you have with your girlfriend by self-improving and further developing yourself. No doubt about it, that is a winning attitude!

However, most unfortunately, there are far too many who fail to realize that when you want to break a bad habit or get rid negative attributes regarding behavior, you must create the proper environment for your mind.  What I mean by this, is that you need a new wave of thoughts constantly bathing your mental faculties along the line of how to become a better boyfriend.

The reason for the new mental environment is so that you have a counterbalance to the old thoughts and old way of being. In other words, the old you must be challenged and forced out of the position that it has held in your mind for years! Most of our negative and ugly ways of being are emotionally deeply rooted reactions in us that surface automatically in most cases.  So, whenever you want to get rid of those kinds of tendencies you need new information constantly flowing through your brain to help dilute out the power of the old garbage-like thoughts, actions and behaviors.When providing you with a plan of action on how to become a better boyfriend, I think that it is critical that you know that your desire is the rocket fuel behind whether you succeed at this or not. I feel that I must drive home the point that there is nothing holding you back from being the greatest boyfriend of all time, except how you think.   Your thoughts are the birthplace of new actions and new exciting behaviors.  It is all in your hands.  You and You Alone CAN Make this Change.

If your thoughts and desire to become a better boyfriend are very robust and burn deeply within you, then you will do what is necessary to achieve your objective so that you do become a better boyfriend. It is critically important for us to realize that without desire or even weak desire a person is most likely will fail in their efforts. Desire MUST be intense for personal growth and development. Consider desire being the glue that causes a person to hang in there; especially during challenging times.

Because of life’s every day distractions, you must take the time regularly to make yourself a student of the kind of information that begins the programming of your mind in the direction that you want it to go. This is an incredible process to where your constant input of high-quality information on how to become a better boyfriend begins to literally re-wire your brain.

Yes, you read that correctly!  Your brain begins to connect brain neurons for the task that you are consistently and persistently involved in. The more you practice or repeat the learning exercises, the more you begin to strengthen those neural-connections within your brain.  These connections grow stronger and over time automatically begin to transform your thoughts, your words and your actions for becoming and much improve and far better husband than what you have been.

Using me as an example, I went from being a crappy boyfriend to be a better boyfriend all because I started absorbing new information on a consistent basis.  I eventually became a student of how to become a better boyfriend, which in turn, would naturally lead me to how to become a better husband.

I sort of lead into it earlier that in order to make progress in this area of your life and you must be willing to self-improve.  You must have desire!  Having a white-hot desire to self-improve in the area of becoming a better boyfriend is the first part of the success formula to improving your communications and the quality for the relationship that you can have with your Precious Lady.  I personally guarantee you that this kind of growth is not going to just fall into your lap. Also, if you are the kind of the man that is bellying-aching and whining about “that you ain’t going to change nothing,” then, your relationship with the Love of Your Life is doomed.  The odds are exceedingly high that one day she will be gone because a woman can only take such much verbal abuse, ignoring of her needs, neglectful thoughts and actions as far as her interests, wants and desires are.

I used to be very ignorant!  No one could tell me anything because growing in the hood of Buffalo, New York, you develop your own way of handling situations because that is what life in the streets teach you.  I used to be ruled by anger, rage and a bada** attitude.

However, being very honest with you, I sensed that the way that I treated girlfriends was not the best way or even close to the right way. So, one day, I happen to see the cover of book depicting a man holding his woman lovingly and the words one the cover were something to the effect of “Learn how to treat your woman right.”  On the surface it sounded kind of strange, but I read some of the contents in the middle of the book and shortly thereafter was propelled onto my new man transformation journey.

I slowly started absorbing new ideas on how to become a better boyfriendAt first, my brain went into super-mega reject this bull mode of operation because it seemed like the book was out to make men a wimp. It was hard to accept the soft and gentle mental attitude information in the beginning. In fact, I remember laughing at some of the new ways of thinking and behaviors that were introduced to me because, it was very foreign stuff to my brain.

Ah, but now the real key to personal growth is revealed.  Initial rejection of the information meant that the information that I was reading was making me uncomfortable because it was exposing me for who I truly was. (an ignorant fool) The growth came to me because I relaxed and kept reading the concepts and ideas. My mind started to generate new thoughts on how I could be better.  It was the early beginnings of these new thoughts that began to set me free!

My desire to change plus, high quality information going into my brain began the process of cleaning up my thoughts, which lead to better selection in the words that I spoke and better actions towards my lady.

Yes! You must be prepared for a mighty battle once you make the move to change from your old, broken, negative and corrupted ways of being.  The battle will be between the old you and this new you attempting to emerge.  The old you will hate the new you, so you could have conflict within yourself as you are first hearing and reading information on how to become a better boyfriend.  The old you believes everything is just fine, but the new you knows better and will attempt to cause you to do nicer, kinder and gentler actions towards your woman, while the old you will try to make you be ugly and mean to her.

The way you manage this conflict is to keep on reading positive information on the subject matter of relationships and self-image. As long as you are consistent with the use of this kind of information then growth and change will happen.

So as a recap, you must have a strong desire for wanting to change and become a better man in the way that you treat your Lovely Lady. Next, you have to start reading and listening to information that shares with you how to become a better boyfriend. This kind of information is what you should regularly read and provide as nourishment for you brain.

In fact, I am going to recommend the blog HowToBeABetterDude.com   The reason for this particular blog is because it is loaded with fresh gut-wrenching truths for getting your act together. This blog will have you understanding more about yourself and show you the ways to self-improve not only for your love-life but provide the kind of information hat will help you in all areas of your life.

For learning more about how to become a better boyfriend, I strongly recommend you heading on over to HowToBeABetterDude.com and signing up for my blog.