How to Treat Your Girlfriend Right OR Lose Her… FOREVER!

Knowing how to treat your girlfriend right for many men does not come very naturally. Unfortunately, early in life I was one of those men who just did not have my head into the right kind of information so that I could be a better man.

Most of my days were saturated with language and speech patterns that were quite vulgar and once I unleashed it onto someone at close range I had the capacity to melt eardrums with such flaming verbiage being spewed forth from my mouth. My temper was on the level of being out of control whenever I was challenged about almost anything.  I was a real fruitcake!

Hopefully, your mind was not littered with all of the filth and mind-bending garbage that my friends and I were exposed to.  Our values for how to treat people in general was pretty low. I mean, we cussed nearly everybody out at the drop of a hat, if they in anyway made us feel uncomfortable about our looks, clothing or attitude. In fact, if someone looked at us too long that could cause a scathing and blistering tirade to unfold. From what I can recall, learning how to treat a girlfriend or wife was not on the list of things that we would be interested in due to the tough neighborhoods and the highly energetic negative environment of hood living.  Though my parents eventually moved us out of the hood, I still did not get any life-improvement skills that show me the way to manhood and how to properly treat a woman.

There were a lot of times that we would treat our girlfriends in the same way as a someone who we perceived as a threat in the street if she made us mad. (Did you catch that? I said, “if she made us mad.” Yes, that was the kind of dumb thinking in our logic back during those times.)

It is at this point that I will just refer to myself and leave my friends and brothers out of this because maybe they got their act together and I did not know about it. But my point is this, if any girlfriend at that time did something that I did not like, I would launch a verbal assault on them that shredded them to pieces. This was how to treat your girlfriend or wife right hood style!

These were my early-life training experiences for how to treat my future wife. Yep, I was to practice this brutal and vicious cycle of yelling, screaming, cursing and threatening until I found the right one. The one could handle my verbal abuse with breaking down and crying, of course.  Hopefully you already know that the way that I was being was WRONG! 

The problem was I did not think that I was wrong at that time because it was always my girlfriend fault if I got mad about something. (yeah, right.)  And sometimes, it was her fault for whenever I had a bad day, “just because.”  My value system was screwed up from a lifetime of wrong, bad and evil information being pumped into my head. I was living life with information that only provided a path to anger, intimidation and destruction.

In my “pea-size world of thought production” at the time, I really thought I was normal whenever I would go verbally nuclear on my woman or anyone else, who I had to put in line. My justification was always that she or they deserved it!  I wonder, if any of you who are reading this can relate to what I am saying here?  The real problem in all of this was ALWAYS ME!  It was my corrupted thinking patterns.

I witnessed hundreds of movies that depicted these kinds of harsh actions in relationships on woman. The music that I listened to gave me regularly scheduled programming instructions on how to treat my girlfriend.  In addition, I saw enough things with my own eyeballs in the streets that told me that I had to take charge of the situation by being a hardliner when necessary towards my girlfriend.

The Truth is that I never received any kind of coaching or direction in this matter growing up and that is part of the problem for young boys and men today.  Lack of proper guidance and direction regarding life’s most crucial matters. (example: man/woman relationships and healthy communication.)  The Great News is learning how to treat your girlfriend right is not difficult once you slow down and start to expose your mind to new information regularly.  Yes, the real secret behind knowing how to think, speak and act towards your most precious love is as simple as you making the time to read new and helpful information in this area of life.

Can you really change?  YES, YOU CAN!  That is the Bold Truth!

The number one component behind change and growth is the strength of your desire.  You have to have a strong desire to want to learn how to treat your girlfriend right.  This is not something that can be forced onto you.  Your desire for wanting personal growth and change in this area of your life has to be strong!

Personally, I wanted to stop treating girlfriends with such anger and rage. It never made me feel good to be harsh, mean and cruel to them.

Okay, so in a nutshell: How to Treat Your Girlfriend Right.

Create a White-hot Burning Desire. You must have a strong desire to want personal growth and change. Your level of desire must be white-hot! If your lady is precious to you then if you do not want to lose her that should lift your desire and propel you to do what is necessary to protect the relationship. Trust me losing her will hurt more than you care to imagine, so stop the evil, ugly treatment of her and change.

Get New Information into Your Brain. Growth and change can only occur with new information flowing through your brain. So be proactive and create a new environment inside your head for new thoughts and ideas to spring forth from your subconscious mind. This process starts by taking 15-20 to minutes per day to read insightful articles or relationship books. The information inside of these kinds of articles and books stimulates what is called the Great Awakening inside of you.

This means that you are beginning to become Consciously Aware of your thoughts and actions towards your most Precious Lady.

Become a Student of Yourself. Keep your thoughts and words in check by being super aware of how you are thinking and behaving. At the speed of your thoughts you can substitute negative thoughts and actions for positive ones. In an instant!

How to Be a Better Dude Blog. Come to this blog because it is all about personal growth and learning how to treat your girlfriend right. This blog is enlightening and enriching source of high-powered updated information that can help you to get on the right path and stay on the path for success in your relationship. You will find that the information is straight-forward and comes at you man to man. The information will challenge your old ideas and behaviors and help you to cultivate a mindset that fosters and develops a beautiful relationship with your girlfriend.

Repeat the Above Steps Every Day.

I have given you a great plan to start with for learning how to treat your girlfriend. Don’t blow it my friend.

Get this through your head. Losing your woman is an EXTREMELY painful experience. If it happens to you, your mind will be in torment for a very long time. Days and nights will all blend together as your deal with deep excruciating emotional pain and anguish. Sadly, some men find it so bad that they do stupid things in an attempt to stop their woman from leaving them!  Don’t go there, bro!  It ain’t cool!  Just man-up and leave the situation alone. Take the time to work on yourself!

I am making my appeal to you now to self-improve on becoming a better man, so that you can be a better boyfriend. If you take the necessary action steps, you can quite possibly save your relationship and become the man of your woman’s dreams again.

Invest the time and effort into YOU!  There is a revolution waiting to be stirred up inside of you! This revolution will allow you to break away from your ways of the past and develop new ways of being that are healthy, positive and uplifting.

Now you know a little bit more about how to treat your girlfriend right.

Go forth and make great things happen starting today!

You hold the key!  It is all up to you!

You CAN Do It!

I will be over this way rootin’ for ya!