Okay, here is the deal, IF you are the kind of man who has been poorly treating your wife or girlfriend with bad or negative actions of speech and behaviors, and you would like to stop being that way, then you need to pay very close attention the information in this article. Now, don’t go getting your feathers all ruffled up because I provide the information in a straight-forward, in your face kind of way. Though, I will soften this article up a bit it, by admitting to you that I was guilty on all accounts of being a no-good SOB when it came to treating my girlfriends of the past right.

Typically, I would do fairly well when things were going good in the relationship. But, if something happened outside of the relationship or if I had a problem at work or someone damaged my car or property, or my money would run short, or I had an unexpected bill pop-up, I would take it out on my girlfriend. It seemed quite natural to do this! What I’m saying is that in my mind, if anything went wrong, it was HER FAULT.

Most of the movies that I saw and my realities of growing up in the hood, plus an abundance of role models had helped me shape my thinking in the very WORST of ways!!! So, treating my girlfriend rough, harsh, mean and using the most hateful of tones at times seemed quite natural to me. I mean, I thought at the time nearly every man on earth cursed at his woman. I was so twisted in my thinking that I would blame her for things that she had absolutely nothing to do with. Even if she offered a helpful solution to a problem, I would slam her idea as dumb, stupid or it won’t work or tell her “don’t worry about it.” Look, I am coming clean with you, so that you know how I was! But I read one thing more than 30 years ago that caused me to change and transform into the man that I am today.

First, you have to recognize that you are where the problem is. You cannot blame anyone else or any circumstances of life. You must clearly know that every word that you speak and thought that you think is a by-product of corrupted information that has been absorbed by your brain and this is what you CHOOSE to act upon.

Second, is that you must be willing to change, grow and transform. In other words, you must be willing to walk away from old thinking and speech patterns, and no longer heap such filth of destruction upon the heart and mind of your precious lady. You take total responsibility for the thoughts that you think and the words that you speak. There are no excuses for you treating your precious lady poorly. You MUST accept this as a part of your new way of thinking!

Thirdly, you must put yourself in the position of receiving new information in your mind. You MUST be willing to re-train your brain to move you into a new direction. The process of breaking old, bad habits is one that occurs from a a deliberate willful intent to fill yourself with new information that helps to create new thoughts. This is how you begin the process of becoming a better man, a better boyfriend and a better husband. This is the process of how you begin to develop into a New Man. Inside of you are a great number of talents and abilities.  You can use them to build up the life and the love of your relationship with your lovely lady or you can keep going down a path of destruction and end end up losing in unimaginable ways!  ;-(

The best part with all of this personal growth, is that you get to CHOOSE if you will tap into your potential for greatness.

Anything in your past of how you once were, holds no power over you and what you CAN BECOME TODAY!

CHOOSE to start tapping into the greatness that is already inside of you.

New Man self-improvement information is waiting for you at this link. Just click here to begin your journey!