Special Note: This is not an indictment against all men. However, let’s be real about the situation. Men around the world in vast numbers treat their Precious Lady like crap! Let this really sink into your head; ANY kind of verbal abusive language, bullying and intimidation tactics all count as poor ways to treat your lady. Any kind of physical abuse no matter how light you may think that it is, is wrong! This blog is for those men who want to change, grow and walk away from destructive and negative ways of being to positive and healthy ways.  You will find that I do not shy away from “straight-talk” or “real-talk” so I am just going to say it the way that it is with no sugar-coating applied to the following information.  We men have to stand up for is right and stop doing the wrong things to our Precious Lady.  Since we claim that we love her, we need to think long and hard about what love looks like in practice.

I can tell you that love for your woman is always kind and considerate – under all circumstances of life. It does not yell, scream, curse and look to destroy her in ANY way.

This blog is all about you and I being willing to learn to become more self-ware of our thoughts and actions on how we treat our woman. Just look at some of these pictures. When I see them, I have memory flashes of how I used to be in my relationships from years in the past.

Self-Truth Exposure Moment: I was a total maniac whenever I was on a tirade of spewing forth vile, vulgar and hateful language at my girlfriend. In my mind, I always felt like I had to do it or she deserved it!  Looking back on that I say that I was half-near out of my mind with bitterness, rage and a piss-poor self-image.  It is always my hope that none of you are as bad as I was but if you are you CAN still turn it around and STOP!

This blog is dedicated to the cause of you getting honest with yourself by becoming self-ware of your thoughts, feelings and emotions BEFORE you react to anything.  Why?  Because most of us operate on impulse thoughts and reactions!  We have been trained-up to be highly reactive human beings and to seek out and destroy those closest to us, who in our mind challenge thoughts, feelings and opinions.

Why those closest to us?  We are comfortable with these people, if they “in our minds” do something or say something to piss us off, we BLOW-UP!  However, as we get all practiced up in life we can and will react to almost anyone in such an ugly manner. Even kids and parents. We get so brainwashed by our own thinking that we even believe that it is okay to wake up in the morning or come home from work being pissed-off at life and take it out on an innocent by-stander such as our girlfriend or wife.

Brakes On!  True, feel what you want to feel, but to channel your negative, ugly energy into being a brute, bully or intimidator to your Love the Love of Your Life is WRONG!  I do not care what the reason is for such actions. If any of us carry on in such a way to demean, yell, curse, scream degrade, and verbally abuse anyone, especially our most Precious Lady, it is EVIL, and it is WRONG!

Oh my, this one is a classic Jeff Gadley facial expression that made it clear that I will eat you alive if you do not leave me lone with whatever you are saying to me. This basically meant that I am right, and you are wrong. Now shut the hell up!  For added effect I would get about 2 inches from her nose when I did this one!  I ruled by creating fear and massive intimidation.  ARGGGH!!!!!

Okay, here’s the one where I used to ramp up my energy into a frenzy and start to make it clear how dumb or stupid she was. I would continue to berate her without mercy. Hey, as far as I could tell back then, this is what I was supposed to do because I was right, and she was wrong. In my way of thinking, this is how you got her to agree with my way.

Oh, so you want to play that with me and start yelling back? Well yes, she does because she has had enough of me yelling, screaming and cursing at her when she has not done anything to trouble me. Of course, the next level of action is to raise the bar on who can do the greatest amount and the loudest yelling. I would go louder and then make it more public if possible.

Let me stand behind you with my feet firmly planted and loudly yell and curse into both of your ears!  So many times, I remember this pose!  Hey, I was a badass (in my tiny mind), so I could do this one really well.  This one worked so well because I would stand directly behind her and start bellowing my voice into both of her eardrums like I was some famous, world-renown Italian opera singer.  This would result in her feeling verbally brutalized in about 15 minutes. Oh yeah, 15 minutes of this and I could convince the Pope to bow down before me!

Hey, I learned this from all the books (hustler), movies (porn) and my role-models (thugs, my homies) this is how you kept her inline.

Oh yeah, though I never hit my girlfriend. I certainly felt like it at times, in my past. But, here is what I actually did. I would capture this pose and intimidate her and then with the force of Godzilla, I would punch a hole in the wall behind her. Oh, what a real man I was! So stupid in thought and action!  All of those years, I really thought that I had my act together. I was living in another reality!  I had no regard to the damage this was doing to her.  As far as I was concerned I had every right to be that way. Yep it was dumb. It was stupid. It was reckless. I certainly did not even remotely consider that I was wrong about anything or that my actions were really that bad.  Twisted, huh?

Here is the thing, I learned how to ACT like an angry freak! when I was very young. These experiences taught me that “freakin out” is how I can get what I want or cause people to leave me alone.  Unfortunately, the negatively developed responses just don’t go away because they are firmly affixed to your brain and now a natural response to threats, fear or you are feeling the need to show force.  Little did I know I was becoming one screwed up in the head dude.

I wanted to change from being this and I hope that you do to. It CAN be done, if you are willing to make yourself a Student of Becoming the New You. The process starts with you becoming self-aware of your thoughts and actions at ALL times.

No more running on autopilot and being a Slave to Your Thoughts.

This blog is a great first step for you and it is my hope that you continue to read the information provided here because I will be always sharing with you positive actions that you can implement to begin the process of re-directing your life.

Many people will tell you that you cannot change. However, what you need to know is that the Science of “Neuroplasticity” proves that any of us can develop virtually any talent or skill. We CAN acquire new positive habits and eliminate negative ones.  Do not believe the lie that “you are, as you are.”

You and I CAN change the direction of our lives be changing our thoughts. We can change our thoughts by providing our brain with “New Information.” 

Though is it very true that many of us have a lot of old, negative garbage of trauma inside of us; we do not have let those things of the past be ruler and master over us today and for the tomorrows ahead.  I am here to provide you with information that shakes you to your core. Though I am someone who will be in your face with truth, I am also someone who cares.

When you have your “Great Awakening” then you will come to realize that being a mean, brutal and verbally abusive man is flat-out wrong!  You may ask, how do you have your great awakening? It begins my friend, with you becoming self-aware or your thoughts and actions towards your beautiful lady. Once it clicks, and you say to yourself, “Wow, it is wrong to ever treat her like this,” then you are on your way.  In other words, you get convicted by your inner voice, this means that the Great Awakening is unfolding inside you.

One you begin to experience the Great Awakening, you naturally will become more self-aware of what you are saying and doing, and how it is making your most Precious Lady feel.  From this point, it is all about getting the right kind of information regularly consumed by your mind.

Your desire and level of interest is what will determine the speed of your growth and personal development for becoming a Transformed Man.